More on Comics and Politics

The entirety of my essay, “The Spanish Civil War, Cartooning, and the Cultural Imagination,” is available now at The Comics Journal website:

Part One: A War of Memory and Imagination

Part Two: Art and Propaganda

Part Three: Defeated Idealists, Undefeated Idealism

Part Four: “Perhaps we won.”

In the course of the review I discuss comics about the war, including No Pasaran!, The Black Order Brigade, and select issues of Wolverine. But I also discuss the use of propaganda posters, Robert Capa’s photographs, novels like The Fallen Sparrow and For Whom the Bell Tolls, and the movies Casablanca and Pan’s Labyrinth — plus, of course Picasso’s Guernica and Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia.

Of all the things I’ve written about comics, I think that this is my best work.

Meanwhile, I’ve also written a short review of the Comics Book Legal Defense Fund’s Liberty Comics.

You can see that at Verbicide Magazine.

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