Camus and Algeria (October 2024)


I have a short piece at Three Way Fight, looking at Albert Camus’ much-maligned and little-understood views on the Algerian independence struggle.  Toward the end, I consider Camus’ attempts to limit the violence of the conflict, and the hostile reception he received, to current Left attitudes about the Palestinian struggle.  Matthew Lyons provides a sober reply, which I think supplies some important context that should have been in the initial essay.  Others have been less charitable.

Correspondencia de Camus: un amor invencible más allá de la muerte

update 10/20: The editors have decided to withdraw the piece.  Not wishing to become embroiled in endless polemics, I will simply say that I disagree with their reasoning.

New Book : The Illuminist (Sept. 2024)

I am pleased to announce The Illuminist: Philosophical Explorations in the work of Alan Moore.  Over the course of ten essays, I consider what Moore’s work can tell us about ethics, politics, metaphysics, and the broader culture.  I relate V for Vendetta to the work of Albert Camus, discuss Watchmen in terms borrowed from Hannah Arendt, and bring Crossed + 100  to bear on the Chomsky/Foucault debate.  Yes, it is as weird as it sounds.

Illuminist cover image

The book will soon be available in stores and from the publisher, Emergency Hearts. But for now, you can only get it from me: $20, inclusive of shipping.  Let me know if you want me to sign it.

Also, please be in touch if you would like to bring me to talk at your local book store, comics shop, college, church, or occult lodge.

update: The book is now also available from Emergency Hearts, and various retail rackets.

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