Anti-War Cartoons and Superhero Comics (July 2010)


I’ve recently reviewed three comics the subject of war. The three are very different from each other in terms of approach, and they contain very different anti-war messages.

The first, “Timeless Cartoons” reviews Craig Yoe’s collection The Great Anti-War Cartoons. The book includes images from the sixteenth century on. The review ran in The Progressive Populist, June 15, 2010.

The second, “It was the War of the Trenches,” reviews Jacques Tardi’s novel-like treatment of a few minor events from World War I. It’s on The Comics Journal site.

And the third looks at reporter David Axe’s memoir, War is Boring. It, too, is on The Comics Journal website.


Also at The Comics Journal, I reviewed four recent superhero comics, all issue #1’s from Marvel: Avengers, Secret Avengers, Astonishing X-Men, and Dazzler.

Would you believe Dazzler is the best of the bunch?

There’s a reason I titled the series “False Starts.”

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