Speaking in Sacramento (November 2013)

I’ll be giving two talks in Sacramento this week.

The first, on Wednesday, November 6, is a panel discussion on solitary confinement. I’ll be speaking alongside Bo Brown, Sarah Shroud, and Shane Bauer. I’ll offer a short argument that solitary confinement is a form of torture. Bo (formerly of the George Jackson Brigade) will speak about her experience as a political prisoner in the U.S. And Shane and Sarah (both journalists) will speak of their experiences in solitary in Iran, with Shane also discussing his reporting on American prisons for Mother Jones.

Here are the details:

“Cruel and Unusual Punishment”

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

7 pm

at the Sol Collective

2574 21st Street, Sacramento

Sponsored by Sacramento Prisoner Support


Then, on Friday, I will discuss Oscar Wilde’s politics, briefly arguing that he was an anarchist, and considering the few occasions when he referred to himself as such.

“Born to the Wilde: Exploring the Anarchism of Oscar Wilde”

Friday, November 8, 2013

7:30 pm

at The Lavender Library

1414 21st Street, Sacramento


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